Switch from ‘free’ to freedom for only €3,25 per month, billed annually
Let privacy reign over your mailbox. Get the same features as free email providers, but with Soverin, you have the assurance that:
At Soverin, we want to make things easy for you. Easily set it up with your own domain.
The custom domain will be owned by you, no sneaky lock-in's.
We can guarantee that your personal data will not be scanned and exchanged for profit.
Price is including VAT
Most popular
Price is including VAT
Price is including VAT
To provide you with an estimated cost for your specific needs, we have developed a pricing calculator.
You can calculate the price for new domain registrations, transferring existing domains, and additional services like mailboxes and storage space.
This is how we compare against free email providers.
Check out our FAQ page for more information
or contact our Support team, who will be happy to tell you more.